About Ascension Yoga

About the retreat

Yoga, Food, Routine, Rules and Yoga Instructor
This tiny yoga retreat is small and very secluded in nature's pristine forest. It caters to just one to four people who get to call this place Nirvana or Heaven and home for their retreat experience. Some retreats may have more people. You live in the yoga teacher's private residence, so in this respect it is a true ashram. And will learn direct from Dhyan how to deeply experience yoga. It is also a chance to go deep into any personal issues affecting your life and work through them with Dhyan using hisAscension healing. (If Dhyan is not present then an experienced yogi who will guide you). Your retreat may include one on one healing sesssions with Dhyan imparting the Purusha.
If you want to get away from people and crowds then this is your place to meet just a few like minded yogis.
You will be living and breathing life into your temple that is your divine body with the yoga teacher in his forest Lodge deep in the wild Australian bush in a private remote valley surrounded by millions of hectares of gum forest. It was chosen to be in complete seclusion from outside interference to reconnect you to Nature.
There are many amazing bushwalking trails with views of sandstone cliffs in order for you to explore the native Eucalypt nature and forest to meditate and connect to the native flora and fauna. Rock wallabies, possums, Kookaburras, goannas, many birds, bats, lizards and frogs.
The Yamas and Niyamas are taught according to Patanjali. Basic to intermediate Asanas and Pranayama are Ashtanga and Sivananda Hatha mixed together and changed to an Ascension style. Meditation is Tantric Chakra focussed and Vipassana as well as prayer. We will teach to your level which includes yoga philosophy.
One on one sessions to heal particular issues bothering you in your life, or blocks be they physical, mental or sexual. 30 years experience in alternative health and yoga, Dhyan has formulated a healing system to resolve many blocks in the spiritual path to release joy and see other options as to how to live using many systems of Yoga to deeply heal through faith and love.
Your retreat needs healthy nutritious organic vegetables and fruits grown here at the retreat to nourish your body as a whole. We have mango, pecan, orange, grapefruit, custard apple trees in our own beautiful Orchard. Sadly 2019 bushfires took half the orchard which is being replanted. Cauliflower, broccoli, gourmet lettuce, mortgage lifter tomatoes, parsley, sweet potato, zucchini, pumpkin, bok choy, cabbage, spinach, capsicum, peppers, beans, herbs, dill, thyme, oregano, mint - all are grown here for you to eat. So you can experience food grown with yogic love and kindness in your vegan feast meals and juices. We pride ourselves on the praise we get for our meals.
Dawn - Hatha, Ashtanga and Pranayama starting at 5 am will recharge your body.
Morning - healthy breakfast of muesli and fruits will lead you into some Karma Yoga, helping out at the retreat.
Lunch - may be a short Yoga Nidra to relax your body before preparing for the main meal of lunch.
Afternoon - Relax, bush walk, try Zen art, a holistic massage, or one on one Ascension healing session with Dhyan to work through blocks in your life. After tea more Yoga usually Yin or a talk on philosophy. Depending on your retreat.
Evening - A light meal, then meditation, kirtan or a lecture on Ascension system.
Finishes the day at 9 pm to rest in your own room, shared room, or tent under the stars in the deep forest of Eucalypts in Australia.
The health retreat is vegan and has much rawfoods including juices. You can do juice or water fasts here.
The schedule for the weekend program is merely an example opposite. And may vary to suit particular guests needs.
RULES Discipline
You must do the yoga and meditation classes here.
No alcohol is allowed nor meat, drugs, smokes not even coffee.
Do not bring any food at all including snacks here.
You MUST help out with the running of the retreat. That can be gardening, cleaning, preparing food, dish washing or maintenance.
So you connect to NATURE computers, tablets and mobiles are not allowed here. This is your chance to take a break from them. Outside contact is only permitted in urgent situations. This is time to self reflect and take a break from the world. There is no TV here nor internet for guests.
Take pen and paper. Zen art is taught.
No books are allowed unless yoga related.
Strong emotions can arise from this spiritual place where you go deep into the Yoga to Ascend your soul. You need to be able to commit to that process for the full duration of the retreat. No refund if you leave early or do not turn up.
The retreat is expensive to run. And you receive yoga teachings one to one or in a very small group, having this beautiful place just to yourself or a few other people. For costs see each retreat registration.
If you cannot afford to give a donation you can volunteer, helping out here. Please become one and you will gain much more https://www.yogaretreat.net.au/volunteer.
Unification Organisation of Collective Ascension is the spiritual organisation and incorporated not for profit association that the retreat follows. Currently the Nymboida Yoga Retreat is a separate sole trading business affiliated to UOCA. Dhyan is President of UOCA. To find out more about this collective please go to the website for the Worldwide Network of Ascension and discover how to bring Paradise, the Heaven, and the Utopia of World Peace and Love to the Entire Planet - click on www.wna.org.au.
DHYAN ABHAY - yoga instructor
I was brought up in a teaching and military family where discipline and hard work were valued in leafy Hawthorn in Melbourne, I went to a top private school called Melbourne Grammar. My mother's family came from founding fathers of Victoria, including Sir Stawell, Chief Justice of Victoria and the Hawkers of South Australia. Towns were named after them, and I was often reminded of the family name and place in Australia's colonial history. But the family had lost most of its wealth. I never felt I was part of the Establishment, but then I never felt I was part of anything.
My mother was a senior lecturer in Education at La Trobe University with a PhD and a very strong work ethic. Very loving but her career came first over family, so often we would fend for ourselves, as she lectured nights as a workaholic. And did PhDs using us and our schools as guinea pigs. I'll never forget how she read to us every night as young children, classics such as the Hobbit, Kidnapped, Swallows and Amazons, Nania, Earthsea, Watership Down, and Shardik - who my first dog was named after. She is still alive and a force to be reckoned with. My interest in education is due to her very great love of her children and concern to be just. But I rebelled as a child against her discipline and often conservative worldview. She is a small L liberal whose friends were all socialists. Much of my book of my spiritual travels involved letters debating her morals and mine. She is a total atheist who believes in Christian humanism, but has no spirit.
I was badly homophobically bullied in Melbourne Grammar and the rich and famous were on the whole not pleasant people. Often greedy, competitive and cruel. Certainly the hypocrisy of the Anglican church at the school destroyed my belief in Jesus and even in God. On top of this my parents divorced bitterly and my father had PTSD from combat during the Malayan Emergency where he killed his commander in an ambush in friendly fire first day in the regiment in the British Army's Gordon Highlanders. He later killed innocent rubber tappers including women as he attained the highest body count of Chinese communists in the regiment and tortured Cypriot guerillas during the Cyprus Emergency. He became a major, yet was bullied over the accident which made him emotionally cruel and miserly when he joined the Australian Army as a pommie bastard second in command at Puckapunyal. He also was a poor pilot, his father being a bomber pilot in the RAAF in India. He remarried an Englishwoman and drove her to suicide after a mere three years of cruel hell. Her death converted him to Presbyterian Christianity. He was a strange mix of English gentleman pomp, courtesy and stingy cruelty with limited conservative views.
Consequently, I had very low self-esteem when I left Melbourne Grammar, and my posture was bad, leading to a hunch back to hide myself from bullying. I spent most of my time studying and was in the top sets in maths, physics and chemistry in HSC, but gave up that year not seeing the point of it all. I wanted to become a doctor, failed to get in and did law at Monash. I wasn't good at it and didn't do well. Nor did I do well in my articles, so I moved into tax at Ernst and Young. I did better at this, but didn't enjoy it. I was living with a girlfriend, the relationship started to collapse after I insisted on an abortion and in that despair of professional life I came across Fritjof Capra and the Tao of Physics. That was my first connection to the mystical. Something I could not accept, except through science as I was a humanist atheist and materialist.
I hated parochial, insular Australia and left with my Yugoslav Australian girlfriend, became a tax lawyer in KPMG London, but something was missing. My life was empty and purposeless. There was no unconditional love, it was all about laws, study, work, tax and money. I fell in love with a very beautiful vegetarian English Chinese woman, juggled both and dropped both and in that heartbreak of sex, lies, love, alcohol and Kafker office politics and more lies, cheating in mock tax exams, poor reviews concerned about my dishevelled appearance and lack of corporate stiff upper lip, combined with finding the job deadly dull and the people grim and depressing, I quit my job in 1991 and began soul searching in my late twenties after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's book after a tramp came up to me in a Castle at Deal who was a psychic.
I spent an amazing Odessey for three years in Northern Europe, Israel, Ireland, the Middle East and finally India. It was after I met Michael Baigent digging for more Dead Sea Scrolls in a Kibbutz I was volunteering at, that I headed to Egypt and began getting Kriyas in Cairo and the Pyramids. Finally in the Sinia desert I experienced Christ Consciousness at a mind blowing level - for many years I believed I may have been the Messiah. Only on deeper study of the yogic and biblical scriptures did I understand I had experienced the Second Coming within.
Going overland to India through Iran, I found the grace of divine love that I had been unable to find in the guilt, judgement and hypocrisy of my Christian schooling. I became a Sannyasin of Osho and was initiated as Dhyan Abhay. Since then I have been influenced by Devananda, Muktananda, Sri Prabhupad, Sivananda, Satyananda, Satya Sai Baba, Mother Teresa, Amma, Aurobindo, the Dali Lama, Pattabhi Jois, Iyengar, Goenke and many others spending time in India in their ashrams over the decades. Many of these gurus I personally met on my journey. At the same time I prayed with Muslims in Mosques worldwide for they are our equals.
In 1994 I returned to Australia like a saint and was rapidly destroyed here. My family thought I was insane. I got mixed up in the mess of alternative communes and smoking pot up the East Coast, ending up in Cape York in a dreamtime experience with Aboriginals and feral whites. This led to the police unsuccessfully trying to section me as psychotic when I was reported walking naked deep in the remote bush. Such is Australia's 'Big Brother' mentality. My Spirit was in a way broken by that experience. I gave up on the spiritual life and tried to become a travel photojournalist and artist, very unsuccessfully. Then began writing about my life and some fiction in Melbourne. Tried to start a magazine TMMAG to enlighten the planet. It all failed. I even went back to uni at ANU to study Astrophysics in 2000.
And I prayed with many Christian groups and churches, mainly 'born again' when I returned to Australia, gravitating towards the vegan Adventists and the teachings of the Prophetess, Elen White. There was a reason for this, as the Yoga reached a dead end for me, an obstacle I could not pass, called enlightenment. Up to 2002 I did extensive meditation and yoga of all sorts and my diet became more refined and less cruel. Vegetarian, to vegan to rawfoods, to fruitarian with long fasts.
I was obsessed in purification to attain Godhood of the body. Pure as I was, inside my Heart, love was dead. Instead I started to feel alone, mentally unbalanced, deep depression and disconnection from reality. Saw doctors and was soon on medication for schizophrenia in 2003 with some more Big Brother type doctors considering locking me up at various times if I divulged my yogic beliefs and spiritual mission. I still managed to do a dip ed at ACU in Melbourne living with my old mother in 2004 and tried exploring how yoga could be used to teach kids, but failed in interesting main stream schools in this and was forced out of my first teaching job in Biloala High. I was in and out of yoga ashrams and Buddhist monasteries. Back to India several times. Homeless and unemployed most of the time. Mostly alone - I had few relationships. In 2007 I even went to Central America to do rawfoods and yoga with Tyohar at Pachamama, an Israeli DJ of Osho who was more lost than myself.
Slowly I turned back to Christianity to find answers as to why the Yoga was not working. Why such a good system failed to produce love. I could see failings in yoga that Christianity seemed to answer, however there seemed problems with Christianity as well see East West both wrong. I then began to formulate UOCA and to try and start an interfaith ashram in Australia. I spent about 4 years trying to find a place to start this and ended up in Ravenshoe and then the Daintree at Cow Bay in 2011-12. In 2013 I returned to India to do more yoga and went to Myapore and met Swami Radhanath of ISKCON. My father died, I contested his will in a bitter fight and got enough money to buy a place. 2015 I was back in India and did a YTTC in Rishikesh. And also met with Guru RamDev - see photo opposite.
In 2017 I moved into Nymboida's ashram, in many ways this was a disaster, it was remote, the locals unfriendly often Redneck, my volunteer program never worked, people wouldn't stay, I got nerve damage from inguinal hernia operations and I felt alone and isolated. It turned into a hell. Until I realised the Yoga, good as it is, can never save you from your own demons. Only CHRIST can. But not that of the Christian Churches or their dogma and rigid beliefs. They have become as hypocritical as the Pharisees and Saducees that Jesus hated. The True Christ within all of us has to be experienced. Jesus can be fully understood, if one realises he went to India and got yogic teachings. The early Christians did not have the tools to understand what he was teaching them. And so a dogma developed. But a good one. That contains the final truth for all of us... the Ascension, Second Coming within that can only be received by Grace and Love - humility and surrender, not by our works. This was understood by Paramahansa Yogananda who was the first true guru I experienced.
Due to Western lifestyle and very bad bullying at Melbourne Grammar where I hunched over to hide myself from the thugs and brutes, the sadists and egoists, the Lords of the Flies; as a lawyer I had poor posture, a slight hunch back and was very inflexible. I have improved a lot, but some damage cannot be undone and I've had inguinal hernias both sides operated on. I am not super flexible. I teach more for meditation, not advanced postures. I can teach yoga asanas to an intermediate level. But the goal has always been for me to meditate and seek internal happiness - not body beautiful and amazing handstands or twists. I still cannot do them.
I first tried yoga in my early 20s at University and hated it. Continued my legal career. I found yoga again through a spiritual awakening at 27 which was far more real for me in Vienna and had nothing to do with yoga postures, but through Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi, and began to understand the Spirit and who Jesus really was. And an amazing journey opened up to me. A huge gratefulness to be ALIVE. I experienced the Christ Energy and Purusha as one. But though I experienced it, I did not understand it.
Taking classes with many teachers including Nicky Knoff, Susi Davies (Zurich Dynamic Yoga), Jacqueline Brumley, Lance Schuler, Fee Zard, Mark Purser and did my yoga teacher training with Vipan in Rishikesh's Rishikul Yogashala. I've trained in holistic massage and reiki. And will guide you into Ascension Yoga.
A system I developed after trying almost every style of yoga. I have taken the best from all of them. Then merge them back into the Classical Patanjali's 8 limbs with Tantra to get to the true essence of yoga. That is to attain spiritual truth, to become self realised and to be able to meditate in complete silence without thought, so experiencing ecstatic bliss. The Bhagavad Gita teaches that only through Krisnas' divine ecstatic love can spiritual grace enter the heart.
But in the end, it appears that the Yoga has problems with its purification, and the answer may be in that only Christ can save us from our eternal sin. Our own works will never be enough to make us God or enlightened as it is impossible to purify out the corrupted universe. So it is may be that it is essential to liberation to understand Christ, forgiveness and so enter the Holy Spirit and receive God's Love. Unlike any other religion, God in the form of the Man, surrendered Himself as the Final Sacrifice for our sin. He took it all, so we could be freed from the weight of our own evil - the fact that we cannot perfect ourselves ever in such an imperfect Universe. And all we need do is Hand it to Him. And it is why the entire world uses his birth to record time. We were Born Again with his Coming. Yet Christian religion is deeply flawed and there is a very subtle nuance between Christianity and yoga, and achieving true peace.
Reincarnation, past lives and future, seem to be the truth, nevertheless, otherwise there would be no evolution. Early Christians accepted this. And it seems that most of the bible is wrong. Revelations certainly is a fantasy. The return of Jesus, is an allegory to discovering Christ within ourselves.
I am fully insured with AON against any injury to a student caused by doing yoga and I am registered with Yoga Australia.